3d Printing Essays (Examples)

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3D Printing
Pages: 3 Words: 767

3D Printing
Petriot is a manufacturing company that seeks to gain a competitive advantage in the manufacturing business. This company competes on a strategy of having products made in America. Nothing could be more made in America than products made via 3D printing at the customer's site. This is an emerging technology that could help Petriot to improve and extend its competitive advantage.

There are many different types of 3D printing, as this is an emerging technology. It is important for Petriot to understand the different types. It is worth considering that the proper way to analyze this issue is to first determine from a strategic point-of-view what the best type of 3D printing option is optimal for Petriot, and then to perform a quantitative analysis via the net present value technique, which weighs the cost of acquiring this new technology vs. The financial benefits that it is expected to bring. It…...



Baskin, J. (2014). What happens when 3D printing turns consumer products into digital content? Forbes. Retrieved March 8, 2014 from  http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathansalembaskin/2014/03/06/what-happens-when-3d-printing-turns-consumer-products-into-digital-content/ 

D'Aveni, Richard. (2013). 3D printing will change the world. Harvard Business Review. Web.  http://hbr.org/2013/03/3-d-printing-will-change-the-world/ 

Investopedia. (2014). Definition of net present value. Investopedia. Retrieved March 8, 2014 from  http://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/npv.asp 

Petriot.com. (2014) website, multiple pages.

3D Printing to Boost Competitive Advantage of
Pages: 2 Words: 618

3D Printing to Boost Competitive Advantage of American Manufacturing
It is crucial today to get small businesses in a position of stronger competitive advantage in order to truly stabilize the lagging economy. In order to compete with enterprise businesses that work with enormous economies of scale, small businesses need direction and innovation to try to compete. Thus, I will be writing to Petriot, an organization that still manufacturers consumer goods here in the United States. The organization manufactures consumer products of all types, from tools to home goods. It prides itself on producing quality goods domestically in order to help try to spur growth in the American economy.

For the subject of the report, I will recommend implementing the use of 3D printing in the manufacturing of the organization's products. There are a number of 3D printing technologies, including additive manufacturing. This allows designers and manufacturers to print real objects at…...



D'Aveni, Richard. (2013). 3D printing will change the world. Harvard Business Review. Web.  http://hbr.org/2013/03/3-d-printing-will-change-the-world/ 

Petroit. (2014).  http://www.petriot.com/

3D Systems Products and Services
Pages: 2 Words: 489

3D Printers Products
3D Systems

Product Lineup

Consumer Products

The product mix at 3D systems is composed of both personal and production three dimensional (3D) printers and the related accessories and software. The company sells packages in which consumers can assemble their own 3D devices as well as fully assembled products. The most popular printer that is currently trying to penetrate further into the consumer market is the Cube. The device is plug and play capable and comes with everything to get you started printing quickly. The printer is even iFi enabled so that it can communicate with different devices over the network. All models of the Cube lineup come complete with a starter kit of materials as well as free 3D models that customers can print right out of the box. There is also design software included so customers can design their own 3D objects to print in any one of the 18…...


Works Cited

3D Systems. (N.d.). Choose Your Cube. Retrieved from Cubify:  

Analyzing Emerging and Disruptive Technologies for the Military
Pages: 10 Words: 3556

Disruptive Technologies for the Military
Disruptive technologies are innovations that aid in creating new markets, eventually going on to disturb or even dismantle the current value networks and market, and to displace an older technology. Clayton M. Christensen, a professor at Harvard Business School, coined this term, now used frequently in technology and business literature for describing innovations that bring about improvements to any service or product, in ways not expected by the market (Lucas, 2012). The Professor first made use of the term in his best-seller "The Innovator's Dilemma" (published in the year 1997), wherein he classified new technologies into two groups: disruptive and sustaining. The former category refers to novel, inadequately refined technology, typically associated with performance issues, known only to some group(s), and normally lacking any proven practical use. Meanwhile, the latter category includes familiar technologies undergoing successive improvements. Disruption may be viewed from another perspective, if…...



Brimley, S., FitzGerald, B., Sayler, S. & Singer, P.W. (SEPTEMBER 2013). Game Changers: Disruptive Technology and U.S. Defense Strategy, Center for American New Security

Christiansen, C. (1997). The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail, Boston: Harvard Business Review Press.

FitzGerald, B., Sayler, K., Lynn III, W.J. & Stavridis, J. (JUNE 2014). Creative Disruption Technology, Strategy and the Future of the Global Defense Industry, Center for American New Security.

Fonseca, M. (03/02/2014). Guide to 12 Disruptive Technologies. IntelligentHQ.com digital, retrieved from   / on 20 February 2016http://www.intelligenthq.com/technology/12-disruptive-technologies 

Innovations in Transportation Logistics
Pages: 2 Words: 688

Transportation logistics field has experienced a number of significant changes in recent years due to innovations in technology, and there are a number of emerging concepts that have surfaced over the past 1 to 2 years as a result. To determine the facts, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature to identify several of these emerging concepts, including a detailed discussion concerning their respective importance in the transportation logistics management (TLM) field. An analysis concerning the direction these emerging trends will take in the future and their potential future impact within the TLM field is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues in the conclusion.
eview and Analysis

The concepts that are emerging in the TLM field today may have appeared as so much science fiction just a few years ago, but concepts such as 3D printing, drone deliveries and driverless vehicles have become…...



Frey, T. (2012, December). Creating cars that talk to the roads. Journal of Environmental Health, 75(5), 38-40.

Grace, J. (2014, Fall). The end of post-sale confusion: How consumer 3D printing will diminish the function of trademarks. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, 28(1), 263-271.

Robinson, A. (2015, January 14). The future of logistics: Are 3PL companies ready to adopt these four emerging technologies? Cerasis. Retrieved from   / 01/14/future-of-logistics/.http://cerasis.com/2015 

Rule, T. A. (2015, January). Airspace in an age of drones. Boston University Law Review, 95(1), 155-160.

History of CNC Computer Numerical
Pages: 18 Words: 5340

Michael Cooley (1972) has suggested that the drawing office has been downgraded in importance as a result of the finer division of labor in engineering that began in the 1930s. He described how the creative design element had become increasingly separated from the work of executing drawings. The fragmentation of shop floor jobs was, according to Cooley, paralleled by fragmentation of the job of the designer/drafter. Until the 1930s, drafters in ritain were responsible for designing a component, stress testing it, selecting materials for it, writing the specifications, and liaising with the shop floor and customers. ut starting in the 1930s, these functions were progressively broken down into separate jobs and taken over by various specialists, such as stress testers, metallurgists, tribologists, methods and planning engineers, and customer liaison engineers, leaving drafters with only the job of drawing (3D Systems Corporation, 2001).

In effect, in the ritain of the 1930s, drafters…...



3D Systems Corporation. 2001, 3D Systems. Retrieved Nov 3, 2011. from the World Wide Web: www.3dsystems.com/

Brown, Richard D. 2009, Knowledge Is Power: The Diffusion of Information in Early America, 1700 -- 1865. New York: Oxford University Press.

Chandler, Alfred D. Jr., 1977, The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Cooley M. 1972, Computer-Aided Design-Its Nature and Implications. Richmond, Surrey: AUEW/TASS.

Science Fair Winner A More Sustainable Tomorrow
Pages: 2 Words: 701

unning head: SCIENCE FAI SCIENCE FAI 4Science Fair Winner Envisions a Cleaner, Greener, and More Sustainable TomorrowScience Fair Winner Envisions a Cleaner, Greener, and More Sustainable TomorrowForm many high school students, science fair projects are tedious assignments to be suffered through while the student scrapes by, merely doing the bare minimum required for the assignment. But for Alexis Kellog, a sophomore at Warwick High School, her dedication extends far beyond cobbling together a triptych on recycling. Kellog is the runner-up at the North Museum Science & Engineering Fair and recently received commendation for her efforts at the Spooky Nook Sports complex south of Manheim, PA (Umble, 2013).Kellogs project, the Accelerated Biodegradation of Polymers, originated in the high school sophomores passion for environmental science and her desire to make her project meaningful (Umble, 2013). Understanding how plastics degradeor do notis a critical part of creating a more sustainable future. Her science…...


ReferencesUmble, C. (2018). Science Fair senior winners investigate bio-degradation of plastics, delivery of medicine. Lancaster Online. Retrieved from: degradation-of-plastics-delivery/article_0dfc776c-32f5-11e8-b9e5-073a551cfe0c.htmlhttps://lancasteronline.com/news/local/science-fair-senior-winners-investigate-bio-

Decision Making and Design
Pages: 2 Words: 864

Graphic Freelance Designer
Design professionalism standards and ethics (Discuss how the use of copyrighted materials may or may not be a factor with the portfolio you are preparing and in following proper use guidelines.)

Professional designers aren't entitled to take exclusive credit for any design whose creation has involved collaboration between two or more designers (Crawford, 34). Further, professional designers aren't encouraged to accept projects which are likely to involve conflicting interests and, thus, dispute, without the consent of the client (Crawford, 38).

The American Institute of Graphic Arts' (AIGA's) Design Business and Ethics guideline series delineates crucial professional and ethical challenges faced by professional designers and purchasers of graphic designs. The work explores chief designer concerns when it comes to remaining successful, and directly addresses individual rights protection.

The AIGA's Design Business and Ethics covers norms every designer is required to abide by. The norms aim at guiding workplace conduct and decision-making…...


Works cited

Aszman, Amanda. What to Expect in 2016: Predictions from Top Creatives. How Design, December 23, 2015. Web. [ http://www.howdesign.com/resources-education/graphic-design-trends-2016/ ]

Bartow, Doug. 29 Things Young Designers Need to Know, How Design, September 11, 2014. [ http://www.howdesign.com/design-career/29-things-young-designers-need-to-know/ ]

Crawford, Tad, ed. Design Business and Ethics. Richard Grefe, AIGA, 2009. Web. [ http://www.makinggood.ac.nz/media/1278/aiga_47555891-design-business-and-ethics-1-.pdf ]

Decker Design, After School Special: Advice for Emerging Designers -- AIGA. AIGA, 2011. Web. [ http://www.aiga.org/contentassets/7334d1c7b46648ef92fe8f73527ff952/aiga-afterschoolspecial.pdf ]

Zebra Imaging
Pages: 12 Words: 3342

Zebra Imaging: The Publically Traded Company
In this paper the writer chooses a (public) company that has been a major player involved with the technology that was analyzed as part of the Evolution of a Technology project completed earlier in the course. The company we are going to focus on is "Zebra Imaging," which has been focusing on 3D holographic technology. The paper identifies the overall technology and innovation strategy of Zebra Imaging; analyzes its innovation performance, the actions and choices it has made in creating and capturing value from its innovations. The paper also identifies problems and issues with those actions and choices. The paper provides recommendations for creating and capturing value, identifies key decisions, and recommends how to deliver value (implementation, market approaches, competitive/collaborative issues, etc.). The paper also includes the rationales for the recommendations given in the paper. Lastly, the paper applies the models and analysis tools as…...



O'Toole, M. (2015). Zebra Imaging and Zygote Media Partner to Bring 3D Visualization to the Medical Community. PR Newswire. Retrieved from:  http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/zebra-imaging-and-zygote-media-partner-to-bring-3d-visualization-to-the-medical-community-281061562.html 

Zebra Imaging Website. (2015). Technology. Retrieved from: http://www.zebraimaging.com/zebra-imaging-emerging-technology/

Shah, A. (2013). Austin's Zebra Imaging Closes $5M Loan to Boost Retail 3-D Holograms. XConomy. Retrieved from:  http://www.xconomy.com/texas/2013/12/10/austins-zebra-imaging-closes-5m-loan-boost-retail-3-d-holograms/ 

Crunchbase. (2015). Zebra Imaging. Retrieved from: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/zebra-imaging

Totalitarian Architecture
Pages: 7 Words: 2679

Fear of the Return of Totalitarian Architecture Due to Technological Advancements
This paper examines some of the different aspects of the coming worldwide technological totalitarianism and the expanding of it influence. The argument that this is both a conscious and accidental program of influential individuals and organizations carried out through the procedure of reification of philosophical beliefs which are misshapen into institutions, services, technologies policies and in the end, culture. Some experts that have explored this topic believe that by pay no attention to the costs of new technologies, what there may be some kind of loss in the bargain and that it can lean so something that is immeasurable and potentially disastrous. It is obvious that history was not or is not all the way inevitable, however, it is likewise a question of human values in connection to changes that are looked at as being natural. Although there have repeatedly…...


Works Cited

Carpo, Mario. "Architecture in the Age of Printing." The History of Architectural Theory. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, 6 March 1998.

-- . "The Alphabet and the Algorithm." Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. The MIT Press, 7 May 1995.

Giroux, Henry. Totalitarian Paranoia in the Post-Orwellian Surveillance State. 14 Feruary 2014.   18 March 2014.http://billmoyers.com/2014/02/11/totalitarian-paranoia-in-the-post-orwellian-surveillance-state/ .

Keller, Marcello Sorce. "Why is Music so Ideological, Why Do Totalitarian States Take It So Seriously: A Personal View from History, and the Social Sciences",." Journal of Musicological Research, XXVI 2.3 (2007): 91 -- 122.

Barriers to Entry in the Gun Business
Pages: 2 Words: 662

Smith & Wesson: Porters Five Forces Industry AnalysisSupplier Power: Strength of Power: Weak.The key suppliers for Smith & Wesson are likely to be companies that provide raw materials such as steel and other metals, plastics, and other components for the firearms industry. These suppliers are likely to be numerous and not highly concentrated. Additionally, there are likely to be alternative sources of supply available. Furthermore, switching costs are likely to be low since many of the inputs required for the production of firearms are commodities (Dobbs, 2014). Concentration: Low. Suppliers in this field are relatively plentiful and abundant. Importance of suppliers products: Moderate. With lockdowns and supply chain snarls, supplier power has increased, but there is still competition among suppliers that keeps prices from being high (Sarkar et al., 2022). Switching costs: Low Availability of alternative sources: HighBuyer Power: Strength of Power: Weak.The buyers in the firearms industry are likely…...


ReferencesBlackman, J. (2013). The 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, and 3D printed guns. Tenn. L. Rev., 81, 479.Dobbs, M. E. (2014). Guidelines for applying Porter\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s five forces framework: a set of industry analysis templates. Competitiveness review, 24(1), 32-45.Henning, R., & H. Witkowski, T. (2013). The advertising of E. Remington & Sons: the creation of an iconic brand, 1854-1888. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 5(4), 418-448.Jacobs, J. B., & Haberman, A. (2017). 3D-printed firearms, do-it-yourself guns, & the Second Amendment. Law and contemporary problems, 80(2), 129-147.Sarkar, P., Mohamed Ismail, M. W., & Tkachev, T. (2022). Bridging the supply chain resilience research and practice gaps: pre and post COVID-19 perspectives. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 15(4), 599-627.

Technology Presentation Information Technology Cannot
Pages: 10 Words: 3110

We agree that people still purchase books.
The reason is that today the author gets paid upfront and if people do not read the book, the publisher has to bear the loss. Secondly publishers are able to 'sell the books' to the bookstores' based on 'consignment system', whereby the 'book store' is able to return the books which are unsold against a 'full refund'. (Grossman, 2009) Jeanie Comstock (2009) says that some of the changes that became mandatory include the quality, readability and accessibility of documents. The changes in publishing technology have also called for changes in the roles for technical workers, communicators and even writers. Thus the intervention and role of the technical communicator has changed so that the matter or book published to day is readable, articulate, and navigable both in the printed and in the electronic media. The composite problem is also to keep up the author…...



Comstock, Jeanie. (2009) "The Effect of Changes in Publishing Technologies on Labor and Documentation" Orange Journal, vol. 4, no. 2. Retrieved 18 April, 2009 from http://orange.eserver.org/issues/4-2/comstock.html

Ellonen, Hanna-Kaisa. (2007) "Exploring the strategic impact of technological change

Studies on the role of Internet in magazine publishing" Retrieved 18 April, 2009 from https://oa.doria.fi/handle/10024/31121?locale=lsv&author

Greco, Albert N. (2005) "The book publishing industry"

Implant Sales One of the
Pages: 2 Words: 653

The marketing team will be charged with producing four-color informative brochures for distribution as well as a coordinated advertising campaign directed towards the targeted doctors and hospitals. This campaign could include sponsored luncheons for the doctors and the decision-making staff of the targeted hospitals. Establishing relationships with these individuals will be considered the sales executive's job. Since the Distribution of the product will be handled through direct sales, and wholesalers. The wholesalers will be healthcare dealers and stocking distributors. These firms specialize in the identification of a viable market and already have sales teams in place to promote products such as our low-cost implant alternative. Although our profit on each device will not be as high as the direct sales, the selling cycle and a penetration of a marketplace that is difficult to enter are the endearing qualities exhibited by wholesalers. Our profit margin per device will be much…...



Comaford-Lynch, C. (2007) Think like a financier, Business Week Online, p. 18, accessed at   on March 28, 2010http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=5&hid=13&sid=67d55975-ab0d-4db8-a874-529826712198%40sessionmgr4&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPXVpZCxjb29raWUsaXAsdXJsJmxvZ2lucGFnZT1Mb2dpbi5hc3Amc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZlJnNjb3BlPXNpdGU%3d#db=a9h&AN=26053475 ,

Farquharson, B. (2008) As you read this, I'm already dead, Graphic Arts Monthly, Vol. 80, Issue 9, p. 53

Interactive Art Is an Artistic
Pages: 12 Words: 3548

Interactive art usually contains computers, sensors, and other devices that allow the art and the user to interact with each other. Video and computer games have brought a different set of artists to the field. The tools have changed as well with the advent of voice analyzers, robotics, actuators, LED's, and etc.

Is the line between real reality and virtual reality getting blurred? Virtual describes the animated form and how closely it resembles the original. Users and the environment interact freely with each other in worlds that are replicas of our own environments. When we watch movies, we are watching real actors but in a virtual landscape or scene. Is this really different from watching the animatronics characters? Mixed reality refers to environments or situations that contain elements from both the virtual and the real world. The two are entwined to create the optimal effect on the user.

Computer and Video Games,…...



Core77.   (accessed April 15, 2010)http://www.core77.com/reactor/rozin_interview.html 

Dinkla, S. "The History of the Interface in Interactive Art" 1994.   (accessed April 15, 2010)http://www.kenfeingold.com/dinkla_history.html 

Interactiveartists.blogspot.com. / (accessed April 15, 2010)http://interactiveartists.blogspot.com

Kwastek, K.; Daniels, D.; and Boltzman, L. "Interaction, Interactivity, Interactive Art" (accessed April 15, 2010)http://media.lbg.ac.at/en/veranstaltungen.php?iMenuID=3&iEventID=112

Technologies and Strategic Planning for
Pages: 10 Words: 2831

" (2008) Williams finally state that dynamic computing can enable innovation through enabling it departments to shift "from a 'light on' operation to a proactive, forward-looking approach." (2008)

The work of Edward M. Rizzo and Leslie a. Worsley entitled; "Emerging Technologies and the Internet Enable Today's E-Workforce" states that with the changes occurring in today's workforce "management requires a new way of thinking. The tools driving organizational effectiveness shave changed drastically in recent years in order to meet the needs of an ever-evolving workforce." (2001) a larger percent of the workforce is comprised of professional employees whom are "more mobile, and there is a growing dependence on temporary or contract employees to ensure adequate staffing levels." (Rizzo and Worsley, 2001) Rizzo and Worsley state that to this end more and more employers are depending on emergent technologies in facing staffing challenges including the Internet. While "traditional businesses have prevailed...the Internet…...



Alter, Allan E. (2005) Innovation Makes Emerging Technologies Pay Off. CIO Insight. 5 June 2005. Online available at  http://www.cioinsight.com/article2/0,1397,1826516,00.asp 

Alter, Allan E. (2005) Innovation Makes Emerging Technologies Pay Off. 5 June 2005. CIO Insight. Research online available at

Need help generating essay topics related to Medical Equipment. Can you help?
Words: 270

1. The role of technology in improving medical equipment efficiency and accuracy
2. The impact of advancements in medical equipment on patient care and outcomes
3. Challenges and opportunities in the development and adoption of new medical equipment
4. The importance of proper maintenance and calibration of medical equipment in healthcare settings
5. The ethical implications of using advanced medical equipment in patient treatment
6. The cost-effectiveness of investing in new medical equipment for healthcare facilities
7. The role of medical equipment in improving the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions
8. The future trends and innovations in the field of medical equipment
9. The impact of....

How can outlining a 3D printed object improve the final result\'s precision and durability?
Words: 574

I. Introduction
A. Definition of 3D printing
B. Importance of 3D printing in various industries
C. Thesis statement: This essay will explore the various applications and benefits of 3D printing technology.

II. Overview of 3D Printing Process
A. Explanation of additive manufacturing technique
B. Brief description of the different types of 3D printing technologies
C. Importance of materials used in 3D printing

III. Applications of 3D Printing
A. Healthcare Industry
1. Creation of biomedical implants and prosthetics
2. Development of medical devices and equipment
3. Advancements in drug delivery systems

B. Manufacturing Industry
1. Rapid prototyping for product development
2. Customization and....

How can outlining a 3D printed object improve the final result\'s precision and durability?
Words: 729

Outlining for Enhanced Precision and Durability in 3D Printing


In the realm of 3D printing, meticulous planning and preparation play a crucial role in achieving optimal results. Outlining, a technique that involves creating a detailed plan for the printing process, is particularly significant in enhancing the precision and durability of the final product. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of outlining for 3D printing, demonstrating its effectiveness in improving the quality of printed objects.

Understanding the Importance of Outlining

Outlining provides a systematic approach to 3D printing by guiding the user through each step of the process. It ensures that all....

what are technological innovations?
Words: 326

Technological Innovations:

Technological innovations refer to new technologies, processes, products, or services that result from advances in scientific research and development. These innovations often improve efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance in various industries and sectors. They have the potential to drive economic growth, create new opportunities, and enhance the quality of life for individuals and communities.

Some examples of technological innovations include:
- The Internet of Things (IoT)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
- 3D printing and additive manufacturing
- Virtual and augmented reality technologies
- Autonomous vehicles and drones
- Biotechnology and genetic engineering
- Quantum computing
- Renewable energy technologies

Overall, technological innovations play a crucial role....

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